Video tutorial for Mac File Stream setup
Google Drive File Stream will automatically open when you log in to your Mac. You can also launch the 'Google Drive File Stream' app found in your /Applications folder. When running, you'll see the Google Drive logo in your menu bar. 'Google Drive' appears in your Finder sidebar under 'Devices.' From your Web browser, go to the Google Drive File Stream home page. On the 'Google Drive Help' page, click Download for Mac. If prompted, save the installer file to your Desktop. (If you're not prompted, the file may have been saved in your Downloads folder.). Setting up Google Drive on your Mac gives you free cloud-based storage you can access from other your other Macs, PCs, iOS, and Android devices. With Google Drive, you can store and share data among your various devices and allow friends and coworkers to access information you designate for sharing. As clear from the above comments, users are getting a 'Drive File Stream requires your approval' prompt upon opening up the Google Drive app, soon after installation. The prompt then directs users to System Preferences Security & Privacy. However, within it, the option to grant the approval doesn't appear. A screenshot of the prompt.
1. Disconnect your Google Drive
- Select Google Drive Icon in top menu bar
- Select Settings (3 dots)
- Select Preferences
- Select Account tab
- Disconnect Account
- Disconnect
- OK
2. Select Google Drive Icon again
Google Drive Stream For Mac
Mac display keyboard shortcuts.
3. Select Settings (3 dots)
4. Select Quit Google Drive
5. Open your browser (prefer google chrome)
6. Enter
7. Select Download link in upper right hand corner
8. Under Business, select Get Started
9. Under #3, Select the Mac drop down menu
10. Select Download Now
11. Once downloaded, select downloaded file and close out of browser
Is fortnite shutting down 2020.
12. Double click on File Stream package
13. Click continue, and install
14. Enter your mac password
15. Install
Download Google File Stream Mac
16. Once install is complete, close out
17. Select Go in top menu bar
18. Select Applications
19. Select Google Drive File Stream
20. Enter your UF email address
21. Enter your UFnet username and password
22. Uninstall Google Drive
- Select Go on top menu
Google File Stream Mac Issues
- Select Applications
- Drag Google Drive to Trash
- Enter your password
So, Google File Stream isn't work in Mac OS X High Sierra (10.13).
You saw complicated directions about deleting Application Support files, like the DriveFS folder, closing Chrome, restarting. None of them worked.
This probably will.
Ughhh…. the solutions was so easy, I overlooked it.
Or expected that Google and Apple would have worked this out.
It's a permissions things.
1. Start Google File Stream. You will of course get the error message.
2. Leave Google File Stream Open
3. Go to System Preferences -> Security & Privacy
Click on the ‘Allow…' button.
3. Put a checkmark besideGoogle, Inc. 'Hey, I know them!! :)'
That really should do it.
Have another try at signing into File Stream.
If it's still not working close File Stream, and start it again. :)